Dream In Colors Media
#ARTSOUL Studio opened its door to public after holding a phenomenal #GrandOpening attended by renowned personalities with in the metropolitan area on Saturday, December 14, 2019.
Solomon Asfaw who is the owner of this beautiful gallery received an incredible amount of love and support during this grand opening. It’s no surprise that everyone came out to this amazing event in support of Solomon and what he has brought to the hearts of Silver Spring, as an active person who is consistently supporting great initiatives through his priceless paintings and works of art.
#DreamInColorsMedia is a platform that thrives to Inspire #Dreamers, and support #GoGetters. Here is our short conversation with the artist himself who is here to shake the creative light in all of us.
E: rahwity@dreamincolorsmedia.com
W: www.dreamincolorsmedia.com
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