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Updated: Sep 30, 2019

Is it not foolish to expect people to thrive and succeed in jobs that they have no passion for?! And often, the misconception is that just because people are “good” at their jobs, it's equated to them loving their jobs. We feel they are the “best” at what they do because they like it. This is a totally false notion. People can be the best at their jobs because they have the skills to do the job, because they have been doing it for long or because they like doing a great job, whatever it may be. Being good at your job does not mean being passionate about it.

People who are great at their jobs, yet have no passion for it, walk right out the door as soon as they find something they are passionate about or as soon as they develop the courage to go after their dreams. Better yet, they leave for any job that pays better since passion is not what kept them in the company anyway. Is it even fair for a person who has zero passion to compete with the one with passion? With someone who is willing to do whatever it takes to develop their skills and get to the next level?

"Skills can be taught, but Passion can’t."

Here is a thought, when a person walks in to interview for a job, one of the key question we need to ask is “are you passionate about this work?” and if they say “Yes” – the next question should be “what element of this job are you passionate about?” In fact, even before that, we need to make sure the interviewers are passionate about their jobs. That way, it will be very easy for them to gauge if the candidate does in fact have passion. Knowing where a person’s passion lies is one of the few ways we can guarantee that they will be a great asset to our company and most importantly they will be a happy employee with lasting positive attitude and drive.

Of course, there are other factors that we need to consider, to make sure that our company offers a great work environment for our employees to help them, thrive and succeed; but this article will not dive into that.

In most instances, employers seek to hire candidates with the "right skill set" and negate to assess whether or not the candidate possess passion. As soon as companies recruit the new hire, their attitude towards them is that “they are lucky we hired them” and because they are now given this opportunity, they must come to work grateful and with the maximum drive to deliver.

Because of such operation that fails to take most things into consideration, passion being one, employers suffer from high turn over rate and employees suffer from high-level of stress due to a task driven life, that lacks passion and purpose.

"...employers can almost automatically guarantee that the people in their team, have a vested interest in the success of the company"

We all have seen different levels of employees greeting each other in hallways saying things like, “I can’t believe it’s only Tuesday, I can’t wait for Friday to come”, “I got to suck it up since its only Monday and I have four more days to go”, “This week came quick, I'm going to stay home tomorrow and call in sick” Clearly this is one of the apparent signs of low morale and lack of passion.

Even though companies can have different personal development programs, team building activities, or foster positive attitude and ingrain good company culture, these actions will not rear employees' passion. What employers want to do is, first hire for passion. Its only then they can almost automatically guarantee that the people in their team have a vested interest in the success of the company just like them. Having passionate employees work in companies with positive culture is win-win for all. Passionate employees are game changers! They have great perseverance with eyes on the prize. Remember- Passion comes from with in! Skills can be taught, but Passion can’t.

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