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Updated: May 17, 2020

Can you imagine if parents just make their toddlers sleep on their backs and never allow them to roll over, sit up, crawl, or run on their knees so that they can eventually learn how to walk? Imagine them restricting their child's attempt to walk because they are “afraid they will hurt themselves”? Imagine if they secure them to their high-chairs and not allow them to try and stand on their own little feet; in fear of them falling. I am sure you're thinking, how is the child supposed to learn how to walk unless they start crawling and running on their knees, grabbing an arm of a chair, or the legs of their parents, pulling themselves up to finally stand on their own? It's not like they can just magically do a kick-up and start walking! This sounds absurd to you, doesn't it?! So, while you are in this chain of thought, let’s talk about the dream goals that you haven't gone after.

“What is better? To dare to live whole, or to exist with regrets? What is your life worth?”

Imagine yourself as a parent and your dreams as your kids. Imagine your dreams wanting to be cultivated and nurtured. Imagine them wanting to start taking their journey because they know they will be unstoppable, if you allow them to start. Imagine seeing them flourish in their own rights and pace and watching them blossom. Imagine setting them free and letting them live whole. Imagine your joy as you see them reaching for the stars and soaring high. Imagine their impact on you, the people around you and the world at large. Imagine the bliss. Imagine seeing them figuring out the next right move and eventually taking off running. What can ever match this beautiful feeling?

Probably, Nothing!

So, why do 98% of the people in the world live their life and die without fulfilling their dreams? Why do they sit out their calling? Why do they refrain from doing exactly what they know they should be doing? What is holding them back from STARTING?

In fear of failure and judgment many literally kill their dreams and ignore a supreme calling. In doing so, not only will they deny themselves of the life they could have lived, but the world- of their service and gifts. Fear of judgment, fear of failure, fear of being laughed at, fear of starting over, fear of changing. Fear, Fear Fear - the ultimate dream killer. How about analysis paralysis? Over analyzing and overthinking things. Not allowing the heart to just BE. Waiting for the perfect time, for the perfect product, waiting to meet the right people, or being at the right place, waiting to have everything figured out before you start. People wait and wait and wait for everything to fall into place not realizing that things will play out well, in due time, if they just start now.

“many great ideas have been lost because the people who had them could not stand being laughed at and so they chose to take NO action”

Now, let’s talk about the 1-2% making moves. This tiny percentage are in motion even if they are uncertain about what the future holds. They start even though they are afraid. They walk towards fear because they know they will grow taller as fear gets smaller in time. They know that if they “fail”, they will fail forward. They know that Delay in outcome doesn’t mean The End. This 1-2 % are out learning things and networking. They are asking for feedback while working towards their goals. They look for possibilities and identify opportunities in obstacles. They know that their dreams cannot be limited. They don’t believe the negativity they hear- that they are not good enough. That they are not smart enough. That they don’t have the right product. That they won’t break barriers and achieve milestones after milestones. They don’t make time for that noise. They know they are well-abled even when they don’t have anything to show for it YET! But they know! They know they can, and that they should, and so they do. Most importantly, they know they deserve to go where their leap of faith takes them. They know God is worthy of their trust and their dream is grand than anything else before them. They know the universe is watching and is ready to reciprocate. They take calculated risks, but they don't fall prey to analysis paralysis. They are in constant preparation, movement, and progress and so they will be met with luck.

“LUCK is when opportunity meets preparation” OW

Now let’s talk about YOU! Where do you fit? Do you have the characteristics of the tiny percentage? or you're in the pack of the 98%? Do you believe you are on the right track? Are you on the driver’s seat of your life? If not, ask you yourself - what is stopping you from going after your dreams? What can be more important to you than living the life that you are created for? Who else is supposed to live your life with conquerable dreams? What can be more vital than honoring yourself and your soul by allowing it to flow and grow in the space that it needed to? What is better? To dare to live whole. or to exist with regrets? What is your life worth?

Look at the people you call your icons- those 1% who are shaking this world unapologetically. Go study their lives. Notice any pattern yet? These 1% are always looking for opportunities. They take their health very seriously. They pay keen attention to details. They are bold in taking actions and they are comfortable with uncertainty and not knowing everything. They carefully choose their associations. They know what they are worth- not just what their companies, or their money and belongings are worth, but them as a person. They value their time as their greatest asset. They know their currency. Notice their confidence and thrill. They know that if they were to lose everything, they will build it back up again, and come up higher. Just look at the sparkle in their eyes when they talk about their path towards their dreams. Study them!

The Universe Has No Restrictions! Just START!

Remember many great ideas have been lost because the people who had them could not stand being laughed at and so they chose to take NO action. On the flip side, many have attained greatness because they had the audacity to go after their dreams and delivered incredible services and products to the world – ALL because they started and couldn't be bothered with anyone's opinion.

Wherever you may be in life, please know that you deserve to be on the side where baby steps can grow to greater impacts. God trusts that you will see your life through by being in alignment with the grand purpose He had for you. In the end, your life’s worth is shown in your life’s work. Make it mean something to YOU. Because if you are honored by it, believe me, the rest of the world will be too.

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Well written

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