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Updated: Jan 13, 2020

Most recently, I have been hearing a lot about keeping things close to your chest and not “over-sharing” your ideas with others because they can steal it. However, as a person who is very enthusiast about sharing, networking and collaborating, the thought of “keeping your ideas to yourself” didn’t sit well with me.

Therefore, I decided to ask some of the brightest minds that I know- entrepreneurs who have achieved massive success in their own rights owning 7-9 figures businesses; whom I am proud to call my mentors. Truth be told, just from being around and learning from them for a while, I had a good guess of what their response would be, but lets dive in!


Simply put, they ALL said, ‘others stealing your idea should be the LAST thing you should worry about’. In fact, every single one of them are big in sharing their ideas because as far as they are concerned- their product or service will be out to the public and people can always steal it then. Therefore, their focus is NOT what others are able to steal, but what they are able to create.

They all believe that it’s better to share, network and develop meaningful relationships with others, and see if they can assist in their business or know someone who can be a customer. Another great point was that, people are always attracted to optimism, confidence and enthusiasm. Therefore, it’s not a bright idea to come across as anything less. If people want to steal your ideas, then so be it- the question is- are you ready to out-work and out-shine them? Do you have the “bring it on” mindset? Also, by the time your competition starts to replicate what you are doing, you are already far ahead in the game. Another thing to consider is that, not a lot of people have what it takes to execute an idea- especially when it’s not theirs.


Here is my thought- and really the bottom line- IF all you have is an idea but NOT the discipline to execute it, the thought of others stealing your idea should not make you livid. Someone needed to execute and serve the world; but unfortunately, you didn’t make the move and so, that someone isn't you. Remember, an idea without execution is worthless. So, if people take your idea you would have never executed, what they did is not necessarily "stealing", its retrieving what could have been lost in the air!!

But if you are a doer, then keep your eyes on the prize! Don’t worry about what your neighbors are doing. Don’t contemplate about people stealing your ideas. Don’t operate from the center of fear. Instead, invest ALL your time, focus and energy perfecting your craft, your skills, product and service. Get busy EXECUTING! DO YOU!!! The world will notice. The universe will reciprocate!

Related: Listen to what The Obama's personal hair stylist of 10+ years Yene Damtew has to say about competitors and sharing business tips- in our interview with her.

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Sep 29, 2019

I believe in sharing my ideas because at the end of the day no one can do what I do the way I do it. They say nothing under the sun is new just the way it’s presented. Anything we come up with has already been done in any shape or form.

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