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If you’re an Immigrant, you don’t have the luxury to..

Updated: Mar 14, 2021

As an 'immigrant’, I speak a lot about the value of time and accountability because I know that when I decided to do something with my life including leaving my motherland for a better life and opportunity, I left behind my family, friends and everything that is familiar to me in order to start over and create a better life for myself and for those around me.

For immigrants, this comes with a big cost such as not being able to see our parents as often as we want to or just be around them to break bread together, celebrate milestones, or simply be in their presence and there for them when they need us. Instead we are oceans and several continents away with hopes and dreams that we will build a better life for ourselves that we will one day have the financial and time freedom to spend time with them anywhere in the world; after tackling so many challenges, understanding a new system, new language, a new culture that we didn't have exposure of growing up, adapting a new life and eventually a new home.

Hence why when I especially see immigrants wasting their time in places that add no value to their growth or being caught up in things that will only pull them backwards, I get very heart broken and go out of my way to address it because I know that we didn’t cross the ocean and get to a place that was once foreign to us to live a mediocre life. I know coming here, we had big plans and we promised ourselves we will make it no matter what it takes.

We came because we were hungry for opportunities, peace and growth potential. We came hoping to build a life. So we owe it to ourselves and to everything that we left behind to not take time and opportunities for granted. Especially those of us who live in countries we now call home. We have to tap into every opportunity and grow. We don’t have the luxury to put out the fire in us and just live a mediocre life. That's a disservice to us and the space we hold. Furthermore, let us not forget the mental, emotional and sometimes the physical price we paid to be here.

I tell this to myself and those who know me all the time. Don’t trip over your choices and go backwards. Be very intentional about your decisions and respectful about your time. That’s your most valuable asset.

Blog by Rahwa Haile

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My Dear Gabe, thank you so much for reading and for always encouraging me and everyone else who knows you to thrive more and do more. You are such an incredible person- one of a king truly and I’m very honored to have you in my corner. I met Freweini a couple of times recently by the way. In fact, I spoke in one of the receptions that was held for her :) That will be my next blog post. She truly is an icon and she called me a Hero. I have a video to prove it hahah! Stay tuned my dear! Thank you!!! Rahwity :)


Thank you so much Wappi. I’m glad that your enjoying them 💕


Dec 21, 2019

Very insightful Wapps you write so well and drop gems in your blogs. Keep em comingg! 💜


Dec 21, 2019

Dear Rahwity

Very well said. Yes, I paid a great price to get here. Now, I am responsible to achieve greatness and to make a difference.

Success is measured by the difference we make to benefit others. Success is not the size or number of toys we possess. Our CNN hero of 21019 Freweini Mebratu reminds us making a difference for others is a true measure of success. Rahwity, your “dream in color” movement is about encouraging us to achieve greatness and encouraging us to make a difference. I pledge to continue to strive to make a difference everyday of my life.

Again, thanks for this timely message.

Enjoy Life Today as It Unfolds!

Gabe Hamda

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