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You Got a Dream, you gotta protect it by looking past lonely days and letting people go!

Updated: Jan 10, 2020

You are grinding, working hard- day and night- chasing a dream when you start realizing that your so-called friends and family whose support you were counting on have gone radio silent. Just when you start putting your time and energy towards something you believe in, and would have loved for them to cheer you on and encourage you to keep pushing forward, as you pursue the unknown, they are nowhere to be found! Does that sound familiar?

Surely it hurts to see that you started off surrounded by those who “cared” but when you start putting in the work and the dedication, they are gone. However, YOU HAVE TO LET THEM!

This version of yourself that you have finally unleashed, who’s fighting through the storm, to make your dream a reality, is not the person they know! The “new you” is walking towards a life that you have always envisioned. You are sweating, giving it your all. You don’t have time to waste. You are very serious about the goals you have set for yourself and the vision God has put in your heart. You have a clear direction and you have refused to entertain anything that compromises it. Therefore, understand that it comes with a cost such us losing people who once meant the world to you.

But the moment you unapologetically make a decision and shift your mindset and energy to dedicating your time and focus to your goals, people who support you, your goals, and initiatives will start coming to your life left and right- you will be mind -blown! They will come in different forms - as a resource, a friend, a bridge, a mentor, teacher, family, motivator, partner. Those people are now your new friends and family. You can’t fight to bring others on board, you can only shake your surface, serve a purpose and ding the world and be an inspiration to others including “your old friends”.

This is when you and everyone else would realize that what you did was worth it because you are serving a world bigger than yourself and the only blessing you needed was from the Almighty.

Keep You Eyes on The Prize. Keep Moving Forward!

Blog by Rahwa Haile

Dream In Colors Media

“Inspiring Dreamers to Become Go-Getters”

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